Wednesday, December 02, 2009

JBoss AS 6.0.0 M1 !!!

With the final approval of the spec and the imminent release of Java EE 6, it seems we are in for a fun ride and a new boost to the EE ecosystem. Check out a nice write-up in the following Red Hat announcement.

JBoss/Red Hat has gone a long way helping shape the future of the Java EE platform by leading and contributing to key JSRs (CDI, EJB 3.1, JPA 2, Bean Validation, Servlet 3, etc.), so it is exciting to see all this hard work coming to completion.

The JBoss Application server team couldn't possibly miss the party, so the first Milestone release of JBoss AS 6 has gone out today! This latest community release provides support for certain key technologies that are part of the Java EE 6 spec that you can try out right away, like CDI/Weld, BV and JSF2.

JBoss AS 6.0.0.M1 also provides hooks for a new Embedded prototype that will hopefully ease the testing of your applications, as well as support for mod_cluster, a great replacement for mod_jk for which you can read more in Brian's blog.

More milestones releases will follow, with each one adding more features and getting closer to implementing the EE6 spec. Follow Jason's blog to learn more about our release strategy.

Enough said! Check out the release notes, download JBoss AS 6.0.0.M1, try it out and tell us what you think.


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