Thursday, April 23, 2009

JBoss OSGi 1.0 Beta1

So just a little while after my blog entry about the OSGi hype, Thomas Diesler released the first Beta of the JBoss OSGi project, proving our commitment for supporting OSGi, despite my belief that OSGi may be of little relevance to the average EE application.

The latest JBoss OSGi release integrates the most popular OSGi runtimes (Felix, Equinox, Knoplerfish) and let's you install bundles by dropping them to the server deploy directory.

An installer is provided to let you overlay the selected OSGi runtime on top of an existing JBoss AS 5.x installation (or go with the bundled AS image), and a number of interesting examples are included to get you started.

If OSGi suits your fancy, go get it!

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